Sustainable Product Launch

New Products
Sustainable Building

At Keane Environmental we are committed to the future of green building in Ireland.  As such we are constantly striving to find the best products, that will help our clients achieve nZEB and LEED classifications.

As such we are delighted to exclusively release two exciting new products that will be key to sustainable HVAC systems going forward. Damvent and Enerblue are innovative brand leaders and committed to reducing carbon emissions in commercial spaces.


Natural Refrigerant
Heat Pumps & Chillers

Global warming and the progressive need to reduce CO2 emissions demand that we make green and future-oriented choices. Enerblue’s vision and commitment to sustainability have led them to develop products that use natural refrigerants such as CO2, Propane and new low GWP (Global Warming Potential) gas R513A.

Advantages of Enerblue Heat Pumps

  • Co2 for domestic hot water along with propane and new low GWP (Global Warming Potential) gas R513A for space heating
  • Co2 model has highest COP at any working condition, raised even higher with the addition of the cool recovery option
  • No need for additional electric or gas to boost hot water
  • Models using new refrigerant gas R513A with low GWP and high flow water temps up to 80C are ideal for boiler replacement, without the need to replace additional equipment such as radiators
  • Available with integrated free-cooling module
  • Future-proof, natural and low GWP refrigerant gases are a long term solution for your investment

Damvent Hybrid AHU

Damvent have supplied over 1400 Hybrid units across Europe. They were the first company to introduce in official documentation and within its software the overall net efficiency of such Hybrid Integrated Solutions for Fresh Air, called:
COPnet/COPsystem=(Qhr+Qhp)/(Nfans+Ncomp)….. Thus setting up a new standard, followed today by other companies


  • All heating & cooling components are internal to the unit
  • Condenser & evaporator coils, compressors, heat recovery and controls
  • No external heating/cooling connections required
  • Heat recovery in excess of 100% can be achieved under the right conditions
  • Hybrid refers to two forms of heat recovery
    •  Passive – thermal wheel/cross plate heat exchanger
    • Active – built in heat pump with condenser in exhaust air path


  • No external pipework connections required e.g. Chw, lphw or refrigerant
  • No refrigerant work required on site as heat pumps come pre-charged with correct level of refrigerant gas
  • No external plant required – chiller, boiler or condensers etc. – smaller footprint
  • Fully developed and self-contained control system for maximum efficiency in all conditions – plug and play
  • Full bms compatibility or standalone control options
  • Thermal energy recovery efficiencies in excess of 100% possible due to condensers located in return air path as opposed to external to the unit
  • No electric heating elements required for de-frost mode in standard applications maintaining continuous operation of the unit.
  • Dehumidification option available without the need for electric heating elements
Recent Projects

Let’s Start Talking

To organise a CPD or presentation on either of our new products contact us today.

Tel. 01 6205040

Email. [email protected]